

The StairBiz Program > Why is StairBiz #1? > Easy to Use



We have many large clients with staff who use StairBiz full time – that’s all they do. They tell us that they find it a pleasure, not a chore. That’s not an accident – everything in StairBiz is organised and structured. Unit templates and bullnose templates can be used to create stairs. Stair templates and well templates can be used to create designs. Design templates can be used to create jobs. Jobs can have multiple scenarios. Job templates can be saved and reused. Jobs can be organised into projects. It’s easy because it’s logical.


“That’s what we liked about StairBiz - it can be as simple and straight-forward as one would ever want or it can be as complex as one can imagine.”


Unit templates


Stairs are created from “unit” templates. You can modify unit templates to create other (more specialized) unit templates. You can join them together to create complex unit combinations. You can list them all in a “what you see is what you get” graphical list.


When you create a stair, you drag the unit templates you need into the design in whatever order you need them. With unit templates you can create very complex and convoluted stairs in a minute or two. For example, using the two basic unit templates...


The new stair automatically takes on all your standard defaults and settings.


stairbiz-stairs-easy-to-use stairbiz-stairs-dimensions

Click image to enlarge





Stair Templates                 LEARN MORE >>


Any new stair you create can be saved as a stair template for use in the future. This also applies to jobs, units within a stair, wells, bullnose treads etc. These templates can be categorized into folders. Everything is visual (what you see is what you get).


Projects                           LEARN MORE >>


Jobs can be organized into projects. Jobs and projects can be organized into folders. Jobs and projects can be further categorized using a variety of different methods.


Scenarios                        LEARN MORE >>


Multiple different scenarios of the same job can be easily designed and quoted (e.g. “Give me a price with Colonial balusters and a bullnose tread, and also a price with Square balusters and no bullnose tread.”) It takes just a couple of seconds to create, cost and quote a different scenario. Only one scenario of a job is “active” at any one time. All scenarios for a job are saved in the single job.